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Disaster Survival Kit (Deluxe)

Product SKU: 924


EMI's Disaster Survival Kits are ideal for hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and other natural disasters. They are available in basic or deluxe styles. Each kit comes complete with an assortment of first aid and survival equipment packaged in a plastic polybag for easy storage and disposal.
Size: 12" L x 15" W x 3" H
Weight: 3 lbs 


15 - 1" x 3" Adhesive Bandages
2 - 3" Sterile Conforming Bandages
1 - 4" Sterile Conforming Bandage
6 - 4" x 4" Sterile Gauze Pads
1 - Emergency Pressure Bandage
2 - 4" x 5" Instant Ice Packs
10 - Antimicrobial Wipes
5 - Triple Antibiotic Ointments
6 - Nitrile Gloves
5 - Emergency Drinking Waters (4.2 oz)
1 - Starlite Flashlight w/ Batteries
2 - Thermal Rescue Blankets
4 - Burn Gel Packets (3.5 oz)
2 - Energy Food Bars (5yr. Shelf Life, Flavors May Vary)
1 - EMS Shears
2 - Surgical Masks
1 - Whistle
2 - Glow Sticks (12 Hr.)

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